Cast Iron Christmas Tree Cup
The studio offers these cast iron cups made as replacements, for the often missing "Tree Cup", on antique Musical Christmas Tree stands. The photo on the left shown a tree cup that has been fitted to a stand like the one on the right. The stand to the left is shown with the stamped motor cover removed. This cup was set up to be tightened using a slotted key.

Notice the three "T" bolts around the top rim to hold the tree trunk. The design of these cups was taken from a vintage cup and looks just like the original version on the outside. The photos on this page show the actual design applied to the castings made at the Studio. No other designs have been made at this time.

The cup shown on the left side of the left photo, is a wooden casting pattern, on which an epoxy puddy was applied to allow for a smooth surface. When the puddy was cured, the pattern was turned to a final desired shape on the lathe. The surface design was then carved into the soft surface of the puddy. The finished pattern was taken to a local foundry for casting. The actual casting on the right of the left image shows the design that was made. This design is that of Pineapple Leaves.

In the left side of the center photo shows the cast iron cup that has been turned in a lathe to remove the rough sand casting texture. This rough surface, from the foundry, can been seen in the image on the right. Many purists feel this texture should be left intact. Above a cast iron tree cup, on the far right, sits awaiting the lathe & drill press where it will be machined and taped for the tree holding bolt holes and hole for the center mounting pin and set screw.


In order to use the new casting, it has to drilled to fit the center revolving shaft of the Musical Christmas Tree stands This task would be so much easier if all of the cups could be drilled the same shaft size. That is not the case. I have seen shafts as small as 1/8 " (seen in photograph of the stand below.) Most have I have made cups for have been 5/16" & 3/8" (+/-) And seen in photograph of the stand motor to the right. Note: That the shaft on this motor was 1/2" in diameter. When made this shaft had been stepped down to 3/8" then to 5/16". Lately I have drilled several cups slightly larger than 1/2" in Diameter.

The center mounting hole is drilled into the casting, on a lathe, in two steps. First the pilot hole is drilled. This hole is about 3/16", the size of the tip of the point of the tapered mounting shaft. The second hole is drilled the size of the actual revolving shaft. The final mounting part is the addition of a 1/4-28 set screw, that will be used to hold the cup tight to the rotating shaft.
Keys & Tree Holding Screws
The photos below show the three tree holding screws. The tree stand winding key is used to tighten these bolts. Two different types of keys have been seen by this restorer. One key has a round hole drilled into the key end and has a cut across this hole. The other key has a square hole in it similar to that of a standard clock winding key.
While this tree cup was made for "T" type key tree stand.
This tree cup was made for a "square" type keyed tree stand...
The photo on the left shows a "Studio made" cast tree cups that was properly measured and drilled to be used on this stand. The image on the right that of
the spring motor commonly found in "round topped" Antique Musical Christmas Tree stands.
The drawing to the left is a Link to an (8-12 x 11) drawing that will shows the dimensions and other information that will be needed for the Studio to customize a casting for your .

Contact (Gary George Stevenson )

These replacement cast iron "Musical Christmas Tree Stand" cups are $125.00 (USD)

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Since the initial production of these replacement "Tree Cups."

I have been able to reproduce another style of these necessary parts of the Christmas Tree Stand. Unlike the cups I have been making this cup was taken directly from an originial very detailed stand cup.


So it is important to note that not every detail transfered 100% and they do very from cup to cup. These cups have a cast taper in their bottom and a hollow in the top for the tree

These NEW larger and more Detailed replacement cast iron "Musical Christmas Tree Stand" cups are $150.00 (USD)

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Note: The slant of this mounted tree cup. It leans to the right and is not very stable.

This is the result of not giving proper shaft measurements.

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(Revised 3-2013)